I wish I could give you the answers in paper and ink
I wish I could stop all the tears before they start falling
But we’re feeling our way and we’re always beginners
We’re all cuts and no scars
– the further the sky, gabe dixon band
Just when I think I understand; just when I think I’ve got it, it all comes crumbling down. We are all blind. We are all feeling our way, stumbling about with our hands in front of us, hoping to find it. None of us has arrived. We truly are the blind leading the blind. When I can let go and realize this, that we are all in this together, that there is no “them,” only “us;” that we will be fine for a while, only to receive fresh cuts in our never healed wounds, I can live. I can really live. And I can let you live, too.
The higher you reach
The further the sky
The more miles you walk
The longer the road
The steeper you climb
The harder you stand to fall
The stronger you get
The heavier the load
The bigger the dream
The rougher the ride
The truer the love
The deeper the ache
The blinder the faith
The tougher the go
-the further the sky, gabe dixon band
There is no magic formula, no cause and effect to make this easy. There will always be the longing, the wanting, the never-reaching. I may only see one step at a time. But I can take that step. There will be joys, and there will be aches. But I will be alive. Feeling my way. One step at a time.